Why Does Coffee Grind Size Matter Anyway

Why Does Coffee Grind Size Matter

Why Does Coffee Grind Size Matter Anyway?

As I always say, every little detail about the coffee brewing process is important. One of the earliest steps is the grinding of the beans. We are starting this little guide from the base that you grind your own beans so pre-grounded, store bought coffee is out of the picture.

The objective of gourmet coffee brewing is to be able not only to customize the process and all of its little steps but also to get the most flavors out of the beans as possible. In order to achieve this, there are a lot of things to take into account so we are going to focus in the grinding of said beans.

It is necessary to acknowledge that different coffee makers require different sizes of ground beans. This may seem obvious, but sometimes these are the things that get overlooked. This is the main reason why grind size matters. Not all sizes work with all coffee makers and vice versa. If you take this little piece of data into account when making your next batch of coffee, I promise you will notice the difference.

So Why Does Coffee Grind Size Matter?

To make things a little easier on Why Does Coffee Grind Size Matter, we compiled a little list defining the different grind sizes that are available and the coffee makers with which they work best.

Coarse: The biggest grind size out there, easily noticeable by its bulky grounds, similar to heavy grained salt. This is the ideal grind for French presses and Vacuum brewers.

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Medium: Much like beach sand, this grind size is gritty and thick. This is the perfect grind size if you’re working with paper or steel filters (though the steel ones let a little room for experimenting with coarser grinds).

Fine: This size is exactly in the middle. Not too heavy, not too light, its texture is really similar to that of granulated sugar. This grind size is perfect for the automatic pour-over coffee makers that use cone-like paper filters.

Extra Fine: Right in between of granulated and powdered sugar when it comes to texture, this is the required size by espresso machines. There is really not much room for experimenting. If the grind size doesn’t meet certain specifications, the machine will probably not work.

Turkish: The finest grind available. It is flour or powder like in its texture and appearance and it’s used with specific contraptions called cezve This type of coffee is really popular in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Northern Africa, the Caucasus, among other territories, and it’s known as Turkish coffee.


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