What to do with old coffee beans

What To Do With Old Coffee Beans

What to do with old coffee beans?

Instead of throwing your old coffee beans you can actually reuse it and make the most of out of it either around your house, in your garden or even beauty routine. Here’s some tips on what to do with old coffee beans.

Ice coffee cubes. You can save your leftover coffee through making your own pot of coffee and pour it into ice cube trays. You can enjoy the chilled iced coffee without diluting it.

Beauty. Coffee ground is a good exfoliating agent in removing dirt and dead skin cells. You can mix your old coffee beans or grounds into your regular lotion making it more exfoliating. You can also make your own gardeners soap through melting a bar of glycerin soap and adding 1/3 cup of coffee grounds and it’s going to be a good choice for scrubbing and exfoliating.  

It can also clear up acne because coffee contains astringent and antioxidant properties making it a great cleanser and toner for your face. You can do this by mixing your coffee grounds with enough milk to make a paste. Rub it for a minute, relax, let it sit and rinse.

Freshen air. Neutralize and deodorize foul kitchen smells by placing a small bowl of coffee beans anywhere in your area where you want unpleasant odors be absorbed. 

Scrub dishes. Your old coffee beans can help you clean your greasy objects such as your pots and pans. Coffee grounds are abrasive and help remove dirt on hard-to clean surfaces. It also sanitizes due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. You can save yourself from using chemicals. 

Shine hair. Brew a pot of coffee, let it sit and rinse over wet hair in the shower. As what experts say that it can make your hair strands ultra-shiny. 

Natural dye. Your old coffee beans could also be a natural dye. Mix your coffee grounds in hot water and it will appear as a sepia-colored dye. You can do this by pouring 1-2 tablespoons straight into your conditioner.

Decoration. You can style a clear decorative vase by putting or adding coffee beans in the bottom or use it as pen and brush holder.

Prevent air pollution. Before cleaning your fireplace, you can sprinkle the ashes with coffee grounds to avoid dust and ash from polluting the room. This not only makes ashes easier to remove but it keeps the dust from spreading to other parts of the room. 

Clean shoes. Yes, it can clean your shoes. It can absorb odors by sprinkling it in the soles of your dirty shoes. 

Gardener’s helper. Since coffee grounds are highly acidic, loaded with phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and copper, it is good to spread it over the flower beds of acid loving plants to make it to fully bloom and degrade the release of nitrogen making it a rich compost.

Dogs and Cats. You can rub 1 to 2 cups of coffee grounds into your dog’s fur and rinse it well. It can kill its fleas as well makes its fur silky smooth. It can also get rid of your cat’s foul odor waste. You can have it done through mixing used ground coffee with chopped orange peels and sprinkle it around your garden. 

Flavor enhancer. You can add instant coffee grounds if you want to enhance the flavor for your chocolate cakes. It could be a good substitute for some of a recipe’s water for bolder flavor. 

Freshen clothes. You can add a pot of freshly brewed coffee and grounds to a load of wash and the coffee stains the material keeping its dark color looks great.  

Fertilize your garden. Since coffee grounds contain minerals such as nitrogen, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium, it helps absorb heavy metals that contaminates the soil. Because your garden needs to be fertilized to make sure that your plants get the nutrients they needed. 

Minimize your cellulites. If you have a dimpled, lumpy skin, then you have cellulites. It usually happens when your fat deposits push through the connective tissue under your skin. Cellulites affects to mostly adult women. Well, thanks to old coffee beans where its caffeine helps break down this fat and increase blood flow to the area thus, appearance of cellulites subside.  You can simply do this through mixing the grounds with water or coconut oil and put it for 10 minutes twice a week on the area, such as in buttocks or thighs where it usually be seen. 

Tenderize meat. Caffeine in coffee beans contains natural acids and enzymes, making you meat tenderer. You can simply add you old coffee grounds and rub it to your meat for two hours before cooking. It makes the cooked meat becomes dark and crispy crust. You can also re-brew your used coffee grounds, allow it to cool and use it to marinade meat for about 24 hours before cooking. 

These are some just ideas on what to do with old coffee beans. You may discover your own too and make it a habit to not throw away your old coffee beans.


RELATED:  How Much Coffee For 4 Cups?


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