Can Kids Drink Decaf Coffee?
Decaf, short for decaffeinated, not caffeinated, no caffeine. Despite its name, in reality it has still caffeine. Yes, this is true. The amount, though, is quite small- a 7 ounce cup contains 3 milligrams. In a regular cup of coffee it contains 115 to 175 milligrams of caffeine, and many chocolate bars have about 30 milligrams.
The general understanding about decaffeinated brews is that at least 97% of the caffeine content has been removed from the coffee beans. Though there are uncertainties about the caffeine levels in the decaf coffee brews for the adults who consume it, it is not still advisable for children. But occasional sip of decaf coffee is fine but it is not recommended for kids under the age of 10 years.
Wait, relax. An occasional cup of decaf has no real health risks to a child even caffeine in moderate amounts should not be grounds for concern. Studies have not found evidence that moderate caffeine consumption harms your child or adults. Researchers have found no evidence of hyperactivity or risk of cancer or heart disease.
Moderate caffeine consumption hasn’t been associated with health risks. According to a study last year, people who drank two to three cups of coffee a day where found to have lower death rates over a 13-year period than their non-java-juiced counterparts. And no scientific evidence too that drinking coffee could stunt your kid’s growth, no ideas supported that high daily caffeine intake interferes with teens’ bone growth and bone density. Like all beverages that lack significant nutritional value — soda, flavored beverages, many juices — coffee should not become a substitute for milk, which provides important calcium and protein for growing bodies. And if coffee is loaded up with cream and sugar, it can add unneeded calories and fat to kids’ diets.
A report from the National Coffee Association found that Americans aged 13 to 18 who drink coffee everyday had risen to 37%. They also found that coffee consumption may lower a person’s risk for heart disease and earl death. Coffee contains several antioxidant compounds including polyphenols that seems to have anti-inflammatory effects.
But these days, coffee drinks contain a lot more than just coffee like sugar, a featured ingredient in many teenage drinks. Those quantities of sugar far exceeding 25g per day for people 18 and younger. And experts who evaluated the health effects of sugar say that it raises a young person’s risk for obesity and diabetes and could also for cognitive development issues.
On the other hand, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that kids aged 12-18 consume no more than 100mg pf caffeine per day, which is about the amount in a single 8 oz, cup of brewed coffee but the impact this moderate amount of caffeine has on young people is less clear than it is for adults.
According to an expert too that caffeine consumed in the afternoon or evening interferes a young person’s sleep. A child’s sleep requirements are greater than an adults. They need sleep for healthy growth. Reports found that adolescents these days are sleeping less than they used to but it’s not clear that it is associated with caffeine consumption.
Kid don’t need caffeine but can kids drink decaf coffee?
Maybe you’ve wondered if you can allow your children to try decaf coffee since it’s decaffeinated, assumed to be safer for kids. Again, decaf still contains a minimal amount of caffeine and caffeine is a stimulant that affects one’s nervous system and the brain.
Most of us adults require more than one cup of freshly-brewed potent coffee to be fully awaken. But most grown-ups observe when their caffeine dependence goes beyond the limit. Children can’t handle its effects which is why there are concerns if can kids drink decaf coffee.
The real reason why there’s a worry about letting kids have some coffee is the caffeine content in it. It affects every individual depending on the consumption patterns and the tolerance level. Kids, because of their small size and low tolerance levels.
Can kids drink decaf coffee?
Here are some common effects of caffeine consumption for kids.
Sleep Disturbance
Children below 12 years old need 10-12 undisturbed sleep each night. If the kid drink coffee even if caffeinated it still has caffeine which act as a stimulant and leads to sleep cycle disruption if consumed up to 8 hours before their bedtime.
Reduced Appetite
Caffeine acts as an appetite suppressant, which affect the growth and development of kids since they need richer nourishment in their growing stage.
Lack of Concentration
The same caffeine that boost focus and productivity in adults can disrupt kids’ concentration as they may tend to feel hyperactive from the sudden burst of energy.
Lower Calcium Absorption
Children need higher intake of calcium for bone development. Research found that 6mg of calcium is lost for every 100mg of caffeine intake, which prevent bone development in children.
Tooth Damage
Coffee is acidic and can diminish the enamel on the teeth. Children are more prone to cavities so it’s more likely that drinking coffee may cause more frequent oral health problem.
Caffeine acts as diuretic, which leads to loss of water from our body. Coffee consumption in children can cause dehydration if they ignore drinking water frequently.
Caffeine Addiction
Caffeine is very addictive and the lack of it can cause headaches and poor concentration. Children can also face the same withdrawal symptoms if they are habituated to drinking coffee and suddenly taken off it.
What’s the best age for children to drink coffee?
When you have a kid over 10 years, he or she can enjoy an occasional sip of coffee while adults are around. If they really want to have a full cup of coffee well, it’s best to wait until they reached puberty.
How much coffee is okay for children?
Health experts suggest that up to 45mg of caffeine or half a cup of coffee is advisable for children over 10-12 years old, but not on a regular basis. It’s best to introduce coffee in little doses so they will not experience any side effects of coffee. Now, can kids drink decaf coffee? Any coffee is not an ideal or recommended drink for children below 10-12 years of age, even on occasional basis.