How To Get Rid Of Caffeine Jitters

How To Get Rid Of Caffeine Jitters

How To Get Rid Of Caffeine Jitters?

If you’re a professional caffeine consumer, you probably know your limitations. But sometimes, you can’t help it, caffeine sneaks up on you. When that happens, you can feel some caffeine jitters and might think of wanting to down from your high consumption. Maybe drinking coffee is already part of your daily routine.

Since coffee is one of the most consumed caffeinated beverages, now let us know the technical or the science behind these jitters that we feel when we consumed too much caffeine. Jittery is a physical sensation of feeling a rush then a sudden crash of energy. It can make you feel unsettled or even hard to concentrate. Let’s know the chemical profile of coffee beans which basically contain many complex molecules such as the chemical compound caffeine and acids chlorogenic acid, pyrogallol. N-alkanoyl-hydroxytriptamides and catechol. These chemicals are naturally produced by coffee plants. And caffeine is the coffee plant’s natural defense mechanism produced by a mutated enzyme N-methyltransferase, typically found in plants. 

Each of its natural substances is absorbed by our body in different ways when consumed and caffeine plays a part in triggering the jitters. Studies found that caffeine affects differently to different individuals. Maybe there were days that caffeine affects you where you start feeling jittery. But, there’s no need for you to worry about as there are ways to stop the jitters quicker than just waiting it out. 

So, how to get rid of caffeine jitters?

According to some studies, jitters are not uncommon and it happens when you go too much of how you consumed it. If you drink about 5-6 cups of coffee a day, it is already considered as caffeine intoxication and produces side effects like shaking or jitters. As you may know, caffeine boosts adrenaline levels and produces high blood pressure, sweatiness, jittery sensations, and other symptoms with ingesting too much caffeine. 

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There’s even a myth that bananas are supposed to stop the jitters as there’s something in potassium. But experts rejected this myth and say that letting it wear off is how to get to rid of caffeine jitters. Another myth is also drinking lots of water but drinking a lot of water won’t speed up the liver’s breakdown of the molecule. 

Caffeine suppresses your appetite and you might not be hungry after drinking coffee. If you skip your breakfast then it’s not good because a meal helps your stomach and digestive absorb and breakdown the caffeine. So, grab anything that will fill you up. 

You can also try getting exercise like a 15-minute run, walk, or jump around. These can help you speed up your body’s ability to burn the extra energy. The most efficient way considered on how to get rid of caffeine jitters is to stop consuming excessive amounts of caffeine.

Here are some other helpful ways on how to get rid of caffeine jitters.


This is one of the effective ways to flush out caffeine in your system. Drinking water decreases the effects of caffeine in a short time. Sometimes, being dehydrated can enhance your jitters, so drinking water helps. 


As mentioned above, exercising helps metabolize the caffeine and get all unwanted energy you’ve got bottled up out. It can also help you improve your body, mind, and soul. 


Caffeine can also go away on its own. You can practice breathing techniques while waiting it out. Normally, you’ll be feeling back to normal within a couple of hours while waiting. 

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Herbal tea

You can also try some herbal tea as it helps neutralize the effects of caffeine on your body. It contains some good health benefits like aiding in digestion, protecting cells, and easing nasty colds. Not to mention, it has therapeutic benefits too, like chamomile which is a good one to try. 

Vitamin C

Fruits high in vitamin C is also a good remedy to get rid of caffeine out of your system. The caffeine in your body affects vitamin C concentration in your blood, tricking your body into thinking you have Vitamin C deficiency. So, what are you waiting for? Get some added Vitamin C back into your bloodstream. 

Take a nap

Even though it may feel counter-intuitive but resting can help slow your heart rate, fighting the effects of caffeine. 

Magnesium Supplement

Since coffee is acidic, it lowers your body’s natural pH level. Your body is always striving to maintain so your body responds by releasing basic molecules to balance out your pH. This is why our body needs calcium and magnesium. They can regulate muscle contraction in your body. 

According to AllWomensTalk, taking magnesium is good to fight headache you might get once you come down from jitters. You might give this a try. 

Coffee Quality

If your main source of caffeine is coffee, then you must consider its quality. As you may taste, most coffee that you drink tastes bitter. Why is that? It is bitter because it has gone rancid. A coffee goes rancid a week after it has been roasted. If you want to have a good cup of coffee, but it from a shop that roasts fresh coffee beans and roasts them yourself.

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Stress Management

If you have enough rest, like meditating for 10 minutes, you can lessen a stressful mind and body. 


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