How To Get Caffeine Out Of Your System

How To Get Caffeine Out Of Your System?

How To Get Caffeine Out Of Your System?

If you think you are junking too much caffeine in your body, well it’s time for you to flush it out of your system. Unfortunately, you can’t do it right away, you still have to wait for your body to get rid of it on its own as it also varies from person to person.

A moderate caffeine consumption is about 250 milligrams a day but too much or more than 1000 milligrams may trigger health problems. It may cause you heartburn, change in bowel movement, fertility in women, anxiety, headaches and heart problems.

Caffeine is metabolized in liver and has a half-life of four to five hours which is the same as the amount of time your liver could flush it out. Usually caffeine is found in coffee beans, tea leaves, and is also added to some food products such energy drinks and carbonated beverage and on some over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

According to experts, caffeine is a fat-soluble, which helps move through your body very quickly. Whenever you feel any discomfort feelings in your body due to caffeine well it’s too late for the water to rescue. But it doesn’t mean that water won’t help in any way on the symptoms of caffeine intoxication and overdose. You can drink at least 32 ounces of filtered water in a period of 10 minutes to begin re-hydrating your body and restoring minerals. But drinking water won’t help you to dilute caffeine in your body. These symptoms include headache, nausea, diarrhea, heart palpitation and dizziness. Caffeine dilates your urethra, so you may experience frequent urination resulting you to be dehydrated. As a scientist says that water will help with this situation but it must not be overdo because it may lead to seizures.

Since you can’t flush caffeine out of your body, you may consider options to eliminate your intake. When you withdraw from caffeine, you may experience headaches and irritability that can last up to week, so you may cut it slowly from your diet.

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But how to get caffeine out of your system in a way possible you can?

Most baristas suggested different foods to counteract caffeine. They say protein is good and other say shots of juiced ginger. They say that you might feel better after eating if you have caffeine on an empty stomach. Aside from this, food has nothing to do than water. If you’re nauseous you can eat crackers and ginger ale. They termed this as symptomatic care, where you are treating the symptoms but not the caffeine itself. If you’re experiencing severe nausea, well it’s a symptom of caffeine intoxication, a less severe form of caffeine overdose.

You may also consider eating three servings of fruit or citrus food high in Vitamin C as caffeine alters your plasma, white blood and leukocyte levels. It can help combat ill-effects of caffeine. If you want to address your anxiousness and restlessness problem, you may try this simple routine of setting your digital timer for 15 to 60 minutes, select a quiet area and meditate. Focus your breathing and allow your pulse to slow the rhythm of your breaths.

There was a study using L-theanine, an amino acid in tea, produces a calming effect on our mind and paired with caffeine. They found that theanine reduced people’s stress responses such as heart rate, and helps control blood pressure.

Caffeine needs to be metabolized and if you think speeding up your metabolism through exercise will help, then, you can’t get any result. Why? It is because caffeine is metabolized by enzymes in your liver and your exercise won’t speed up your liver. You may loss all your energy during exercise but still caffeine remains. And if you use caffeine before getting to work out there’s a tendency of increased heart palpitations or attacks as a symptom of caffeine overdose.

Experts also look into the possibility of mixing drugs or alcohol with caffeine. They found that smoking pot can speed up liver’s metabolizing of caffeine but it isn’t yet recommended as a therapy due to inadequate data. Overcaffeination has nothing to do with panic attacks and it’s not caused by the same chemical reactions when you are overcaffeineted. Your increased heart rate because of stress is mainly caused by the hormone epinephrine while if you’re overcaffeinated it is caused by the blocking of a hormone, adenosine. But if your concern is your heart palpitation, well, you have to take it serious and get check by a health professional or doctor.

Based on the study published in the Oxford Journal of Carcinogenesis, there’s a shorten caffeine’s half-life in your body through a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables such as sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli. This can increased production of CYP1A2. Again, if you encounter any negative symptoms it is always best to consult your doctor and ask for allergy test to determine if you are allergic to caffeine.

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