How Much Caffeine Is Safe In A Day

How Much Caffeine Is Safe In A Day?

Coffee and tea are healthy beverages. Both contain caffeine, a substance that helps boost your mood, metabolism, and mental and physical performance. It increases the amount of urine your body makes and causes you to feel nauseous, have indigestion or trouble sleeping, and affects your nervous system. It also increases your blood pressure and heart rate which is not recommended during pregnancy and you may find it sensitive to caffeine and it may take you longer to clear it from your body.

There are some people who are more sensitive to caffeine than others. Even a cup of coffee or tea can give you unwanted effects like restlessness and sleep problems. But for those who don’t consume caffeine tend to be more sensitive to its negative effects.

When you’re not experiencing any negative caffeine overdose intake then you are consuming the safe caffeine limit. But it is hard to estimate the exact amount for every drinker since it varies from each person’s sensitivities, age, medical history and tolerance. 

So How much caffeine is safe in a day?

However, there are studies done to suggest recommendations based on each person’s weight.

For healthy adults with no medical issues, a 300-400mg of caffeine a day is recommended without experiencing any adverse effects. This is all based on body weight. So if you weigh more than the average human, the amount mentioned above is safe for consumption but if you weigh less the average then you should consume a little less. Below is a safe dose calculator equivalents:

  • 5.2 shots of espresso
  • Two 5-hour energy shots
  • 1 satrbucls venti brewed coffe
  • 2.5 16fl oz Monster energy drinks
  • 5.8 fl oz Red bulls
  • 11.7 12 fl oz cokes

The European Food Safety Authority reviewed that a daily dose of 400mg is safe for adults and single dose of 200mg at one time is fine. 

On the other hand, the safe caffeine limits for children is obviously limited since their brains are continually developing and growing. For them, the importance of sleep plays a major role in developing their brains and caffeine is a factor that could interrupt their sleeping pattern thus, hindering their brain development. Strictly said, caffeine is not really recommended for children under 12. But there are instances that some doctors suggest caffeine for children diagnosed with ADHD, but in general it is really not meant for children consumption. 

For developing teens, they can have no more than 100ng of caffeine per day since sleep, brain development is considered. They can have at least the following:

  • 1.3 shots of espresso
  • 1.25 8 fl oz Red bulls
  • .5 of a 5-hour energy shot
  • .6 of a 16 fl oz can of Monster energy drink
  • .2 of a Starbucks venti brewed coffee
  • 3 12 fl oz Coke

If you have health concerns but still can’t resist to consume caffeinated-rich products, both adults and children, either medically diagnosed or not, can have negative health implications even a small amount of it is consumed. If you’re having a worse medical condition be better give up caffeine to avoid more complications.

Your heart could be in a worse condition as well since caffeine is a stimulant and it increases your heart rate as well as your blood pressure. If you have heart problem, you should limit your caffeine intake. If you have a pre-existing arrhythmias, murmurs, and hypertension, your caffeine should be no more than 200mg daily and for safer purposes, consult your physician before consuming caffeine. On the other hand, if you’re a type 3 diabetic you should also limit your caffeine consumption because it can impair glucose metabolism in diabetics. Your consumption is just around 200mg daily with your physician’s advice.

But how much caffeine is safe in a day for pregnant women?

If you’re a pregnant woman, most experts advised of consuming 200mg or less of caffeine a day to avoid risks for the baby. This 200mg of caffeine is equivalent to:

  • 2.6 shots of espresso
  • 2.5 8 fl oz Red bulls
  • 1 5-hour energy shot
  • .5 Starbucks venti brewed coffee
  • 1.25 16 fl oz Monster energy drinks
  • 6 12 fl oz cokes

If you’re an ultra-sensitive to caffeine, it is hard to know the exact caffeine safe limit. There are some drinker who can have a cup of coffee (100-120mg) in the morning and experienced difficulty in sleeping at night. One must consume small amount until they find the exact amount that works for them without any adverse side-effects.

With this, experts advised that people should start with 50mg of caffeine daily and slightly increase or decrease from there. If you experience symptoms of restlessness, anxiety, dizziness, insomnia, irritability and fast heartbeat, then you are sensitive to caffeine and with this, you should consider cutting or avoiding caffeine. Though it’s impossible to die from caffeine overdose as you have to drink more than 100 cups (23.7 liters) in a single day. 

The suggested amount to every range of individual is linked to the lowest risk of premature death, as well as lower risk of numerous common diseases which is affecting hundreds of millions of people.

RELATED:  How Much Caffeine In A Shot Of Espresso?


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