Trader Joes Low Acid Coffee

Trader Joes Low Acid Coffee

If your morning is not complete without your coffee and you don’t want to experience heartburn, acid reflux or other discomfort side-effect feeling from harsh brew, no need to worry then. There are some low acid coffee brands that offer many options so you can still enjoy your cup of coffee either dark roast to decaf with nothing to worry about.

What’s the significance between coffee and acidity? If you enjoy your daily cup of coffee without experiencing any ill-effects then you won’t put too much attention about your acid content. On the other hand, if you suffer from any digestive issues, gastrointestinal ailments or acid reflux, you might be having trouble drinking your cup of coffee this time. As a saying goes, something you love should not give you a heartburn.

Scientifically, acidity is measured on pH scale as 7 being neutral, and above 7 is alkaline and below 7 is considered as an acidic. It follows the rule of the lower the number, the higher is its acidity. For instance, lemon which is around 2.3 on the pH scale while a plain cracker is about 7 to 8.5.

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The regular black coffee you have has a pH of around 5, but it varies on the roast, the roasting process and where the beans were grown. In terms of acidity, a small difference in pH can make a significance. Coffee acidity can range from as high as 4.3 to as low as 6, which means a large variation.

Darker roast coffee has lower acid content, as its roasting process can “burn off” acidity. Robusta like an instant coffee is more acidic than an Arabica. Sumatran coffee appears to be naturally lower in acid compared to Kenyan coffee. When it comes in brewing method French press can make a less acidic brew than the cold brew method.

If you want a healthier drink or avoid higher caffeine content beverage, you might like to consider drinking low acid coffee like the following below. Where some of these coffee have their acid removed during roasting or processing like Trader Joes low acid coffee.

Trader Joes low acid coffee was founded by Joe Coulombe, who marked his signature dark roast of red-wine-and-cigarette ash flavor while its counterpart, its medium roast allows more bum wine.

So if you are starting feeling any discomfort from drinking coffee, it is way healthier and advisable to check out by a doctor. Aside from the acid content of coffee, caffeine in coffee can also be considered as an irritant as it stimulates the production of acid in your stomach. So, if you encounter this problem you might consider starting drinking good decaf coffee.

These are some recommended low acid coffee that you might like.

Mommee Coffee
Mommee Coffee

Mommee Coffee

This coffee is good for women who are at their motherhood stage. But it can still be enjoyed by everyone who wish to drink this coffee. It has a low acid content and is organic. It has a caff feature from half, quarter to full caffeine and decaf. Its caffeine content depends on your desired beans. The coffee is processed through water method which prevents from using any chemical. This coffee range from natural acid suitable for mothers and anyone else who loves great coffee.
Healthwise Low Acid Coffee
Healthwise Low Acid Coffee


This offers a range of gourmet options, full caffeine and decaf option. In ground coffees you may choose K-Cups, which is suited with Keurig 2.0 brewers. This coffee has 100% Columbian Arabica quality which undergoes the process of Techno Roasting eliminating its acids and other irritants.
Puroast Low Acid Coffee, Organic French Roast
Puroast Low Acid Coffee, Organic French Roast
trucup low acid coffee
trucup low acid coffee


This coffee is for those who loves dark, medium or light. It offers espresso blend, decaf option and K-cups. Harsh acids are removed by a natural process using water and steam.
Mommee Coffee
Trader Joe’s Smooth and Mellow Blend

Trader Joe’s Smooth and Mellow Blend

This is a whole bean option that won’t cause you any stomach problems. With milk, you can have this as your breakfast. It boasts subtle of cinnamon and nuts with a rich and smoky aroma. This is good when cold brewed, has a dark and robust taste and very affordable as well.
Java Planet Colombian Organic, Medium Dark Roast

Java Planet

Its small-batch roasting process helps ensure optimal flavor and a smooth drinking experience with nothing to worry about the acidity content. Its beans are all high-quality Arabica and offers dark, medium, French roast and espresso whole bean options.
Tieman’s Fusion Coffee
Tieman’s Fusion Coffee

Tieman’s Fusion Coffee

This drink coffee has a low acid content and a blend of 100% Arabica beans with matcha green tea, red tea and goji berries making it low acidic and a rush of antioxidants.
Folgers Simply Smooth
Folgers Simply Smooth

Folgers Simply Smooth

This coffee is gentle to your stomach and offers medium roast regular and decaf versions.
Flax Coffee and Flaxseed Blend
Flax Coffee and Flaxseed Blend

Flax Coffee

This is a clever blend of 100% Arabica coffees and flax seeds which are alkaline.


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